1/1/25 - Registration is now open! The price will increase on February 1st, so register early! 11/19/24 - Registration will be open by January 1st for the 2025 Beaver Freezer! 10/21/24 - Race date is now set! The 2025 Beaver Freezer Triathlon and Duathlon will be on Saturday, April 12th, 2025.
The Beaver Freezer Sprint Triathlon is a community event that attracts racers from throughout the Willamette Valley and all over the Northwest. Started in 1993, the Freezer has been the OSU Triathlon Club's annual fundraising event for the past 30+ years. In 2010, the Beaver Freezer was the LARGEST TRIATHLON (with an indoor swim) in the UNITED STATES! Participants' experience varies from first-time triathletes to veterans; age groups range from 16-19 to 60-plus; and there are triathlons, duathlons, aquabikes, and relay offered. We invite you to join the wonderful world of multisport! Come race in this early season sprint triathlon! All abilities are welcome! Must be at least 16 years of age to participate.
The course includes a swim in one of two pools on Oregon State University campus. The bike ride takes you through some of the historic college district and out through the country roads of Corvallis. With a few gentle hills, this ride is PERFECT for beginners and FAST for experienced athletes. The run is a fun 3 loop course around the heart of the OSU campus, finishing in the Student Experience Center Plaza. Family and friends will enjoy the ease of spectating this race, while exploring the Oregon State Campus.
This year, we are limiting any event with a swim to 400 combined participants (Triathlon, Aquabike, Tri Relay). There is currently no limit on Duathlon. Sign up now to guarantee your slot! We expect to sell out!
This event is located on the Oregon State University Campus. For information about directions and parking, please visit the directions and parking page.
This event is not possible without the help of our wonderful volunteers! To make this race happen, over one hundred volunteer shifts need to be filled! No experience necessary; anyone is welcome to help! For more information, please see our volunteer page.
Our wonderful sponsors help make this event possible! Check out all our races sponsors here.
Want to become a sponsor? Reach out to our sponsorship coordinator for more information at [email protected].